Easter eggs, Easter basket, Easter Bunny

Easter: Bunny, Eggs and The Resurrection

Happy Easter, everyone! I hope the Easter Bunny fills your basket with lots of yummy treats!  After all, Easter is the one day of the year where it’s socially acceptable to eat your weight in chocolate eggs. I also hope your children or grandchildren aren’t frightened by the large anthropomorphic rabbit that is usually lurking around your Easter egg hunt!  And why wouldn’t they be afraid of a very large, unfamiliar creature that doesn’t look at all like the cute, fluffy rabbits in their story books.  When my kids were small, I had to pinky promise not to let that big bad bunny in the house…my son was terrified!

It goes without saying that Easter is considered the most important holiday in many cultures, particularly those with a strong Christian tradition. Easter commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The resurrection is seen as a victory over death and sin, and it is the cornerstone of Christian belief. Without the resurrection, there would be no Christian faith. Christianity has spread across the globe through various means, such as missionary work, trade, colonization, and immigration. As a result, Easter is celebrated in many countries and cultures, each with its own unique traditions and customs. The universal themes of rebirth, renewal, and new beginnings are important to many people, regardless of their religious beliefs.

As Ginger and I travel to other countries to work with our artisan partners, experiencing and learning about those cultures is incredibly satisfying.  Experiencing other cultures can expand our knowledge and understanding of the world.  It also fosters a sense of connection and broadens our perspectives. These trips feed our souls, and the relationships we have made have brought us so much joy. While not all of our artisans celebrate Easter because of their different religious cultures, our friends in Guatemala and Uganda consider Easter a time of great celebration!

Easter, or "Semana Santa" as it is known in Guatemala, is a significant religious holiday that is celebrated with great fervor and devotion throughout the country. The celebrations in Guatemala are among the most colorful and elaborate in the world. During Semana Santa, processions of huge, ornate floats or "andas" are carried through the streets by participants dressed in traditional robes or "cucuruchos." These processions reenact scenes from the Passion of Christ and are accompanied by bands playing mournful music. One of the most famous processions takes place in Antigua Guatemala, where the streets are covered with intricate carpets made of colored sawdust, flowers, and other materials. The carpets are painstakingly created by local residents and are destroyed as the processions pass over them. Other Semana Santa traditions in Guatemala include the eating of traditional foods such as sweet breads and a drink made from purple corn called "atole," as well as the burning of incense and the lighting of candles.

As in Guatemala, Easter is a major Christian holiday in Uganda, and it is celebrated by the majority of the population. The celebrations usually start on Good Friday and continue through to Easter Monday. Most Ugandans attend church services during Easter, and this is usually the most important part of the celebrations. Many churches hold special services on Good Friday, Easter Sunday, and Easter Monday. Some churches organize processions during Easter, where members of the congregation walk through the streets carrying crosses and singing hymns. Ugandans usually celebrate Easter by preparing special meals for their families and friends. Many people also share food with those who are less fortunate. Music and dance are an important part of Ugandan culture, and many people celebrate Easter by attending concerts and dancing.

How does our dearly loved Easter egg fare in those two countries? While not as popular as in some other countries, some Ugandans also decorate Easter eggs, usually by painting them with designs that hold personal significance or using natural dyes, stickers or other embellishments. The eggs are often displayed in baskets or other decorative containers and may be used as part of Easter egg hunts or given as gifts to friends and family members. People in Guatemala dye Easter eggs as part of their Easter celebrations as well. The creation of colorful Easter eggs, which are often decorated with intricate designs and bright colors, is one of their most popular traditions. These eggs are used for various Easter activities, such as egg hunts, and are also given as gifts to family and friends. However, the tradition of decorating eggs in Guatemala is not limited to Easter, as eggs are also commonly used for other celebrations, such as weddings and birthdays.

The origin of the Easter egg can be traced back to ancient pagan spring festivals, where eggs were used as a symbol of fertility and rebirth. In these festivals, eggs were often dyed and decorated in bright colors as a way to celebrate the arrival of spring and the renewal of the earth. The egg was a symbol of new life and rebirth in many cultures for thousands of years, including those of ancient Egypt, Persia, and Rome. In Christianity, the egg became associated with the resurrection of Jesus Christ, as it represents the tomb from which Christ rose. Christians began to dye eggs red to symbolize the blood of Christ shed on the cross. Easter eggs are now decorated in many different bright, vibrant colors as a symbol of joy and hope associated with Spring, new beginnings and the renewal of life.

Many countries have other unique Easter traditions, such as the beloved Easter Bunny in the United States and Germany, the Easter Bilby (an endangered rabbit-esque marsupial) in Australia, and the Easter Witch in Sweden. Unlike the Easter egg, the Easter Bunny is not usually seen in Guatemala or Uganda.  That big bunny is kept within the confines of more westernized countries like the US, Canada and parts of Europe.

The origin of the Easter Bunny can be traced back to pre-Christian paganism in Germany. The hare was a symbol of fertility and rebirth, and it was believed that the goddess Eastre ("Ēastre" was the name of a pagan spring equinox festival which was dedicated to the goddess Ēastre, from whom the name "Easter" is derived) had a hare as her companion. When Christianity spread to Germany, the hare was incorporated into Easter celebrations as a symbol of new life and resurrection, just as Jesus was resurrected on Easter Sunday. Over time, the hare became the Easter Bunny, who delivers Easter eggs to children on Easter Sunday. The tradition was brought to America by German immigrants in the 18th century and has since become a popular part of Easter celebrations in many countries around the world.

The third item in the Easter trifecta is the essential Easter basket! How else would all of those little egg hunters be able to carry all of their Easter loot?! The origins of the Easter basket are somewhat unclear, but there are a few theories. One theory suggests that the tradition of using baskets for Easter began in early Christian times when people would bring baskets of food to the church to be blessed by the priests. Another theory suggests that the Easter basket is a symbol of the basket used by Mary, the mother of Jesus, to collect eggs at the foot of the cross on the day of Jesus' resurrection. In the United States, the tradition of the Easter basket is often associated with the Easter Bunny, who is said to bring baskets of treats and eggs to children on Easter morning.  By the way, check out the adorable, hand embroidered Easter baskets above made by our artisans in Morocco! Unless you live near us it's too late to get one this year, but you can always get a head start for next year!

Now that we’ve covered “all things Easter”, I’ll leave you with some fun Easter facts:

  • The world's largest Easter egg was made in Italy in 2011. It was over 10 meters tall and weighed over 7,000 kilograms.
  • According to the National Confectioners Association, 90 million chocolate bunnies are produced in the US each year for Easter. That's a lot of bunnies!
  • The record for the largest Easter egg hunt was set in Florida in 2007, with over 500,000 eggs hidden.
  • The world's most expensive Easter egg was made by Fabergé in 1913. It was sold for almost $20 million in 2014.

We wish you all a Happy Easter, and we hope the Easter Bunny brings you mounds of chocolate eggs!

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