Unwrapping the Stories: 12 Days of Christmas – Cotton Corte Blankets

Unwrapping the Stories: 12 Days of Christmas – Cotton Corte Blankets

In September, we embarked on an unforgettable journey to Guatemala, where many of our artisan partners are from. One of our destinations: a small village outside of Chichicastenango, where our Cotton Corte Blankets are handmade. We had the privilege of visiting the home of Tomasa, a community leader and skilled artisan whose work brings these blankets to life.

Reaching Tomasa's home was an adventure itself. We drove miles on a dirt road, followed by a 15-minute walk through pouring rain. But the warmth of our welcome soon washed away the chill. Tomasa and her family, including her husband Ricardo and their 9-year-old son, Sebastian, welcomed us with open arms, offering shelter and a glimpse into their lives.

Left: Image of a cow standing beside a field of corn. Right: Window opening to greenery outside.

Cow standing beside a corn field outside of Tomasa's house. Window in Tomasa's house.

Tomasa is one of the artists behind the intricate embroidered design down the center of the blanket, called a randa. She leads a group of talented women in her village, each contributing their embroidery talents. Ricardo, Tomasa’s husband, lends his expertise to hemming the blankets’ edges and sewing other Intertwined items, like our aprons.

Left: Embroidery on blanket. Right: Diego and Juana with Tomasa and her family.

Tomasa's beautiful embroidery work on a Cotton Corte Blanket. Diego and Juana with Tomasa and her family.

The work Tomasa and Ricardo do helps them provide for Sebastian's education, ensuring he has access to school supplies, healthy meals, and the opportunity to pursue his dreams. During our visit, Sebastian proudly showed us his school project, a vibrant representation of the solar system! His enthusiasm and dedication are a testament to the difference fair wages can make.

Ricardo, Sebastian, and Tomasa holding up a handmade Cotton Corte Blanket. Sebastian's school project of the solar system hangs on the wall behind them.

From left to right, Ricardo, Sebastian and Tomasa holding up a Cotton Corte Blanket. Sebastian's solar system project hangs on the wall behind them!

Leaving Tomasa's home, the rain seemed less daunting, replaced by the warmth of their hospitality and the inspiration of their story. Recently, our Cotton Corte Blankets received recognition in The Story Exchange's 2023 Gift Guide, and “judges were extremely impressed by the levels of care that went into [the] blanket[s].” We were honored to witness this care and meticulous craftmanship firsthand while visiting Tomasa’s home.

We are thrilled to share these one-of-a-kind treasures with you, each representing something remarkable. They are more than just textiles; they are stories woven into life, stories that inspire hope and remind us of the power of human connection.

This holiday season, give the gift that tells a story. Give the gift of a Cotton Corte Blanket.

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