Unwrapping the Stories: 12 Days of Christmas - Mixed Textile Pillows

Unwrapping the Stories: 12 Days of Christmas - Mixed Textile Pillows

There's a certain magic that happens when textiles from different cultures come together. Colors and patterns collide, textures interweave, and a beautiful, unique story unfolds. This is the essence of Intertwined's mixed-textile pillows, each one a testament to human resilience, cultural exchange, and the transformative power of collaboration. In today’s edition of our “Unwrapping the Stories” series, we're excited to share the story of our mixed-textile pillows, and the incredible women who create them.

Our travels have taken us to far-flung corners of the world, where we've had the privilege of discovering stunning vintage textiles. From vibrant huipils woven by Mayan women in Guatemala to intricate kilims crafted by skilled artisans in Morocco, each piece carries the whispers of its history and heritage. We bring these treasures home to North Carolina, where they meet the skilled hands of our refugee friends.

These talented women, forced to flee Afghanistan due to the Taliban's rise to power, possess incredible sewing abilities. Their lives were turned upside down within hours, losing everything familiar and venturing into the unknown. They came to a new land where they spoke a different language and faced a multitude of challenges. Yet, they arrived in America with unwavering strength and determination.

Through Intertwined, they have found a way to share their talents and contribute to something meaningful. They work with meticulous care, pairing our vintage finds with our signature hemp fabric, hand-woven in India by the Hemp Foundation. Each stitch becomes a bridge between cultures, connecting the past, present, and future.

We are so grateful for the opportunity to work with these incredible women. Their contributions not only help us create beautiful products but also showcase the importance of recognizing and celebrating the skills and talents of women, particularly those who have been displaced from their homes. And we are proud that through creating these pillows, they were able to provide additional support for their families, building new lives and new dreams in a new land.


So, when you purchase one of our mixed-textile pillows, remember the story it carries. Remember the women who created it, their journey of displacement and resilience, and the beauty they brought into being. You are not just acquiring a piece of home décor, you are becoming part of their story, too.

This holiday season, we hope you’ll choose gifts that give back, empower others, and share the message of hope and unity.

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